1928 Short Draw to Long Draw – Drafting Woolen to Worsted for Spinners

Instructor: Judy Kavanagh
Level: Novice (N)
Cost: $48.67+HST= $55 Members / $66.37+HST= $65 Non-Member
Class size: 6
Venue: Studio

Description:  Tired of always spinning the same way? Come and learn different drafting methods – short forward draw, short backward draw, and long draw. You will try spinning from rolags, batts and combed top and learn how different fibre preparations and drafting methods affect the kind of yarn you produce. Depending on the interest of the students we will cover the basics of hand carding and combing. After this class you will be better prepared to spin the yarn YOU want.

Prerequisite: Basic Spinning ability Intro to Spinning Part 3 or equivalent

Students should bring: Your spinning wheel or you may use a guild wheel. Hand cards or wool combs if you have them.

Materials fee: $10 for fibre required for the workshop

Registration Form

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