2205 Beautiful Wet Felted Flowers

Instructor: Ann McElroy
Level: Beginner (B)
Cost: $30+HST= $33.10 Members / $35+HST= $39.55 Non-Member
Class size: 6
Venue: Studio

several felted flowersIMPORTANT: Please note that registration in this workshop is subject to the OVWSG COVID-19 Policy.  Registration opens the week of August 29.

Description:  Ready to try wet felting but want to make something other than a garment? Make two different types of flowers in this fun afternoon class. You will use fine merino wool and delicate silk hankies. Learn to make stamens and stems to give your flowers more interest. You will take home a pattern so you can make more flowers at home.

Prerequisite: No previous experience is needed

Students should bring: Waterproof clothing and scissors

Materials fee: $10 includes everything you need and several reusable articles you get to keep.

Registration Form

This workshop is over